We are a one-stop-shop for all your luxury handbag needs. We offer a circular marketplace for 100% authentic pre-loved handbags. Transparency is our priority, which is why we are developing a unique digital passport for all handbags sold, rented or bought which allows you to explore your bag, verify it authenticity, and contribute to a sustainable future for the luxury sector.
Buy ● Rent ● Sell
Purchase pre-loved, luxury handbags to create a more circular future. Galore has a wide variety of unique handbags that are vetted and authenticated by experts. Galore offers a sustainable and unique way to add luxury pieces into your wardrobe.
Renting allows you to try out different styles and brands without having to make a long-term commitment. It also reduces the need for you to continuously purchase new handbags, which can have a positive impact on the environment. Click below to learn more about our rental process.
If you want to sell your handbag to us, we’ll handle all aspects of the process including authentication, pricing, and payment. Selling to us ensures that your items are in the right hands, as we only sell authentic and high-quality products. By choosing to sell to Galore, you can turn your unused luxury handbags into cash and make room for new items in your collection. Click below to learn more about selling with us.