Core Values That A Sustainable Lifestyle Brings to The Fashion Industry

Core Values That A Sustainable Lifestyle Brings to The Fashion Industry

The future of fashion is constantly striving towards becoming greener, circular, and overall, working on creating a healthier and happier environment. Due to overconsumption and fast fashion, there is a plethora of excess waste on the planet, which leads to; pollution, an increase of landfill and disease as well as potentially unethical working conditions. Here are three simplified values of how sustainability has positively contributed to the luxury fashion space. And why it is important for consumers to consider more sustainable practices within fashion and their everyday life.


1. Buy Less, Buy Better 

Investing in materials and the quality of the product rather than the quantity of fashion pieces will be more long-lasting and beneficial to the consumer. Not only this, but as mentioned previously, overconsumption causes increased landfill, water and air pollution and has detrimental effects on the planet. Stirring away from fast fashion and specific mass market companies may allow your wardrobe to consist of timeless and well-loved pieces. In terms of luxury handbags, it is important for consumers to choose wisely and think of this like an investment, perhaps focusing on the classics if you are beginning to grow your collection. It is all about having staple pieces that are long-lasting, which results in less waste. A small contribution to making the planet a happier place. 


‘Sustainable brands aim to reduce waste generation by manufacturing premium apparel from long-lasting materials. These clothing companies try to copy seasonal fashion trends, thus reducing the amount of waste generated in the long run.’ – 


2. The Importance of Circular Fashion

‘Circular fashion ditches the linear “take-make-waste” model and instead asks the industry to close the loop on production, including responsible manufacturing, use, and end-of-life for every garment.’

Circular fashion completely revolves around getting full use of a fashion piece and giving it another story. This could mean re-selling, or buying second hand, which is what we offer at Galore, specifically for luxury handbags. It is important for us to focus on circularity as it ultimately ties with our first point regarding a reduced amount of waste. From a consumer standpoint, it may feel empowering and special to have a luxury item with a fascinating and extensive history, that can still be worn today.


3. An Ethical Working Environment 

It is a core mission in all sustainable brands to provide an ethical and positive working environment for their staff. From fast fashion brands, it has been captured that staff may be underpaid and overworked, due to the little investment that the company has put into their products and workers. Having a sustainable lifestyle will ultimately improve and uplift the work environment due to the reduction of the negative environmental impacts, recycling and the reduction of waste. 


Implementing small doses of sustainability and circularity as a consumer is extremely simple yet effective. In terms of the fashion industry, making changes for a greener and healthier world, will reduce the carbon footprint and waste of luxury brands, allowing even better-quality materials to be used for consumers to enjoy. 


‘Sustainable clothing uses biodegradable components from natural or recycled fibres. These materials grow with no pesticide or fertilizer use, consume less energy, and water, and employ no chemical treatment, thus reducing the overall carbon footprint of these brands.’

About Galore

We are introducing a new standard in luxury handbag resale that uses the circular model and digital passport technology to provide a sustainable future for fashion. Every handbag sold is verified with our digital passport, ensuring authenticity and guaranteeing a seamless trading experience.

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